Management philosophy of now in people.
To reach one’s mind than self-interest.
Humanity is my business.
On business mind.
Eco-friendly Technology
“A technology that thinks of the environment”
Inje aims to be a green company by reducing environmental pollution.
Innovative Technology
“Inje’s own excellent and unparalleled technology”
Inje aims to be the best with its outstanding and unique technology.
Healthy Company
“A company whose employees and customers grow together”
Inje aims to be a company that prioritizes people, so all employees and customers are always joyful.
Transparent Management
“A clean and honest company”
Inje does not use cheap materials and overprice its products for cost reduction but, instead genuinely strives to aim for V=F/C.
Customer Service Satisfaction
“0% dissatisfaction from customers”
Inje strives to raise its customers’ quality of life based on thorough customer service.
Domestic Production
Inje manufactures everything from major parts to complete products at its Korean plant.
Meticulous Inspection Before Release
The quality of products is inspected based on a strict testing standard in order to release only the highest-quality products.
Detailed Quality Inspection
0% defect rate is achieved due to total inspection on all items instead of LOT inspection.
Veteran Company
We are a reliable company with a solid foundation based on many years of operation.
Perfect After-sales Service Management
Complaints are quickly and accurately processed for customer satisfaction.
An innovative company towards eco-friendly and virus-free dentistry
A global company in pursuit of convenience in visitation and remote medical treatment
A leading medical R&D company that contributes to the health of mankind
Founded in 2007, Inje supplies compressors and suction sterilizing water supply units, which are cutting-edge dental devices created through its excellent R&D technology.Since it was first established, it has been supplying outstanding devices to over 5,000 dental clinics nationwide with top-class technology, receiving positive feedback from many medical doctors.It has developed portable dental units since 2015 and sold them for various use in overseas medical services, community health centers, military field hospitals, care centers for the handicapped, and senior citizens. Inje’s products have received favorable reviews, especially overseas, due to its light weight and great practicality, getting the limelight as the new blue ocean in the dental industry.
Now, Inje garners attention not only in Korea but also worldwide and its products are exported throughout the globe.We will continue to strive in becoming a company that ceaselessly researches and develops for the health of mankind.

- 친환경 기술
- “환경을 생각하는 기술”
- 인제는 환경오염을 줄여 녹색기업을 추구합니다.
- 혁신적 기술
- “인제만의 따라할 수 없는 뛰어난 기술“
- 인제만의 독창적인 뛰어난 기술로 최고를 지향합니다.
- 건강한 기업
- “직원과 고객이 같이 크는 기업”
- 인제는 사람이 먼저인 기업 직원과 고객이 모두 행복한 기업을 추구합니다.
- 투명한 경영
- “거짓이 없는 깨끗한 기업”
- 인제는 원가 절감하기 위해 저렴한 자재를 이용하고 가격을 속이는 일은 하지 않고 정직하게 V=F/C를 최대로 지향합니다.
- 고객 감동 서비스
- “고객의 불만족도 0%”
- 인제는 고객서비스도 철저하게 하여 이용하시는 고객님 삶의 질을 높이도록 노력합니다.
- 국내생산
- “주요부품부터 완제품까지 인제 내 한국공장에서 제조합니다.”
- 철저한 출고검사
- 엄격한 시험기준으로 제품의 품질을 검사해 최상의 품질만을 출고합니다.
- 까다로운 품질검사
- LOT검사가 아닌 전량 전수검사만 하여 불량률이 0%입니다.
- 완벽한 A/S관리
- 고객분들의 불만을 신속 정확하게 처리하여 만족시켜드립니다.
- 베테랑 기업
- 오랜기간의 운영으로 회사의 입지가 튼튼하여 믿을 수 있습니다.